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I’m Done!


“Bulk 3”  2018, Installation,  167 x 59 cm, Socks, shoes and hooks, Mardin

In Frederic Gros' book "The Philosophy of Walking", he says: "Walking dissolves the anxiety, envy and fear that weighs on a person and leads to the awareness of one's existence." So what kind of burden does not being able to walk bring with it?  Erkol deals with the concept of "burden" when the human limbs, which are the means of movement, lose their meaning and turn into a kind of burden and become dysfunctional. In this work, which is part of his series on this subject, he starts from his own life. Erkol, who witnessed the experience of her father, who has been unable to use his feet for eleven years as a result of an illness, questions the perception of "beauty", "ideal beauty", and "aesthetics" that dominate daily life in this series and emphasizes the marginalization of what is other than the ideal.

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